Jorge F. Beramendi
The Up Shot Advisor
Jorge F. Beramendi is both an electromechanical engineer and historian dual-degreed from the University of Buenos Aires & with a postgraduate degree in nuclear engineering from the Argentine National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA – Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica). Additionally, he studied project management at the General Electric Corporation in Schenectady, New York. As Project Director at Nuclar of Argentina he installed nuclear power plants in Argentina, as well as in Spain, Brazil and Iran. For MetroGas (formerly a subsidiary of British Gas with the Perez Companc Group as local participant in Argentina) Beramendi was responsible for the commercial development of gas distribution in Argentina with the installation of combined cycle power plants. Also, at the Perez Companc Group, he was General Manager of SADE (Sociedad Argentina de Electrificación) Bahamas and then participated in the acquisition of service companies for the same group. In the humanities, Beramendi has given history courses, researched and published about fifteen books and hundreds of articles. He is a member of the Fundación Vasco Argentina Juan de Garay, and director of the magazine Los Vascos Euskaldunak.
Mi experiencia en la formación académica en la Argentina
Una interesante característica de la Argentina, que permite un buen desarrollo de la inversión, es que el país tiene una bien desarrollada clase de profesionales formados en una educación pública gratuita hasta el nivel superior de formación. Leer más